France – After Israel’s attack, Yaël Braun-Pivet bans the arrival of Palestinian activist Mariam Abou Daqqa

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, believes that the arrival of Palestinian activist Mariam Abu Daqqa at the Palais Bourbon would be an “unspeakable provocation”. LP/Arnaud Journois

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, decided this Monday to ban the arrival of the Palestinian activist Mariam Abu Daqqa at the Palais-Bourbon. This member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an organization described as terrorist by the European Union, was invited to present her documentary “Yallah Gaza” on November 9 in the Assembly.

Saying she was “alert by several parliamentarians”, the President of the National Assembly finally made her decision. “The presence of Ms. Abu Daqqa would be an unspeakable provocation against all victims of antisemitism throughout the world,” judged the President of the embly in a press release broadcast on X (formerly Twitter).

“Giving the floor to a person who is a member of a terrorist organization in the National embly would give a platform to violence and hatred and would seriously undermine our democratic principles, even more so given the current situation in the Middle East “, she believes.

On Friday, the University of Lyon II was ordered to explain itself by its supervisory minister after the presence of this Palestinian activist at a conference from which she had been canceled. Mariam Abou Daqqa attended the debates in the public on Thursday evening and briefly spoke during a discussion period, according to videos posted online.

However, his “absence” at the event, organized by the Solidaires student union and the Palestine 69 collective, had been requested by the University, after interventions by the prefecture and several Les Républicains deputies. The Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau considered it “shameful that this decision was not implemented”.

In a letter, the regional president Laurent Wauquiez (LR) had, for its part, threatened to “suspend its financial cooperation” with Lyon II, if it did not obtain urance that “this unacceptable speech did not occur with the even tacit consent of the ‘University “. The Israeli emby in Paris, for its part, found it “shocking and dismaying to have allowed this spokesperson for the apology of terrorism to circumvent the ban on her intervention”.

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