France – A Jewish man suffered antisemitic insults and threats in Marseille

Marseille – A Jewish man filed a complaint on Sunday September 10 to denounce an antisemitic attack in the 13th arrondissement of Marseille, Le Figaro learned from a police source. The events allegedly took place the day before, Saturday, shortly before 7 a.m.

The man, who wore a kippah and was walking to the synagogue, explains that the driver of a vehicle pretended to rush at him twice, at the Traverse des Baudillons, northeast of Marseille . A second man, the passenger, then got out of the car before uttering antisemitic insults and threats  : “I’m going to massacre you, get on your knees, you dirty Jew. You dirty race, I’m going to kill you.”

Still according to the victim, this same individual then stole his watch and his two bracelets before fleeing. The attacked man was not physically injured.

“ An investigation is underway to identify the perpetrators of these acts of aggravated violence with a weapon against a victim due to affiliation with a religion and extortion of funds and values ​​aggravated due to the victim’s affiliation to a religion ” , confirms the Marseille prosecutor’s office, contacted by Le Figaro . The national police are responsible for the investigations.

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