Austria – 20% more right-wing extremist crimes in the first half of 2023

The number of right-wing extremist crimes rose again in the first half of 2023. According to Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP), 386 acts with a right-wing extremist background were recorded. This emerges from an answer to an SPÖ request to Karner. In the comparable period of 2022 there were 322 right-wing extremist crimes. That means an increase of 20 percent, the SPÖ emphasized to the APA.

In detail, among the acts subsumed as “right-wing extremist” there were 358 with a right-wing extremist background, 15 involved racist acts, seven were antisemitic, five were Islamophobic acts and one was an “unspecific” act. The majority took place in public spaces and not on the Internet: only around 80 of the 386 crimes were committed online.

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