USA – ‘Jews own almost everything’: Ramaswamy hosted in antisemitic podcast

(An0maly YouTube)

Manhattan, New York, NY – Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy appeared Tuesday on a YouTube podcast hosted by social media influencer Albert Faleski, also known as “An0maly.” The podcast has stirred controversy due to Faleski’s history of making antisemitic remarks, including accusations of Jews having “dual loyalty” and alleging that Zionists prioritize Israel over the United States, even willing to compromise American values to serve their agenda.

During the 40-minute interview, Faleski, known for his criticism of the Republican Party’s support for Israel and pharmaceutical companies, questioned Ramaswamy about his background in biotechnology, his work in China, and his stance on the COVID vaccine. The conversation did not delve into Faleski’s controversial views on Jews or Israel.

Ramaswamy’s appearance on the podcast has drawn attention in light of his evolving position on aid to Israel. While in June, Ramaswamy expressed support for cutting off military funding to Israel, he later backtracked on this stance following criticism at the first Republican debate in August. He now asserts that he would only terminate aid to Israel at the country’s request.

Faleski has faced criticism himself and was once designated “Antisemite of the Week” by On Twitter, he regularly accuses the Republican Party of catering to “Zionists” and “Jewish donors” and alleges that these interests influence the party’s policies and actions. His comments also challenge the U.S. government’s definition of antisemitism.

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