USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Okeechobee County, FL

Antisemitic flyers found in Holliston, MA. Illustration. Photo by KMGH1-1

Okeechobee County, FL – The Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office is looking for the person or persons who threw packets of antisemiticleaflets onto the front yards of homeowners in the county.

The Sheriff’s office began to get calls from concerned citizens Monday morning and patrol units dispatched to the area collected more than 100 plastic baggies with the offensive material that had been tossed onto lawns late Sunday night or early Monday morning while people were still asleep. The baggies were weighted down with a hard substance in the form of pellets making them easier to throw.

The Sheriff’s office advises anyone who finds such packets to use another plastic bag or gloves to pick it up and throw it away. Do not attempt to open it. Discard it immediately. 

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