Germany – Authorities record decline in antisemitic crimes in Berlin

Politically motivated crime (PMK) fell by around 15 percent in Berlin last year. According to the Berlin interior authorities, a total of 5,122 cases were registered on Monday. That was 875 fewer than in 2021 with almost 6,000 cases. The end of the corona pandemic and the associated protests against government containment measures are cited as one cause of the decline. These would have contributed to a significant increase in the number of cases in 2020 and 2021.

There was also a decline in politically motivated violent crimes. The number fell to 565. That was almost half fewer than in 2021 with 1,030 cases. The authorities also recorded a decline with 381 cases of anti-Semitic crimes. That was 79 fewer than the previous year. A further 23 cases were about hostility to Israel.

Right-wing extremism – There was an increase of 100 cases in crimes from the right-wing extremist spectrum. According to the police, 2,189 cases were counted here, an increase of 4.8 percent. 958 cases were attributed to left-wing extremists. That was more than a third fewer (minus 567) than in the previous year (1,525). According to the police, 373 of these cases were attributed to the “Last Generation” group. Without this volume of cases, the declines in the left PMK phenomenon area would be significantly higher, it was said.

582 cases were registered in connection with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. According to the authorities, 39 cases were violent crimes, 35 cases were propaganda crimes and 508 cases were other crimes. epd

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