France – Culture Minister, Rima Abdul Malak is indignant at “antisemitic remarks and attitudes” of Médine

Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak
Médine | Lou Benoist/AFP via Getty Images

Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak said Sunday that the rapper Médine, invited to the summer universities of ecologists, had in recent years had “problematic remarks and attitudes”, ranging from a gesture to a recent tweet, both “antisemitic”.

During the meetings of the EELV party, then a debate at the summer days of LFI, at the end of August, Médine assured that he was not antisemitic, pleading errors and blunders, as in the controversial tweet targeting the essayist Rachel Khan, Jewish and granddaughter of deportees, for which he had to apologize.

“Médine, these last years have still had a number of very problematic words and attitudes,” said Rima Abdul Malak, guest Sunday of the program “Softpower” on France Culture.

“From the quenelle, which is a very clearly antisemitic gesture, to song lyrics like I’m going to saw the tree of secularism (…) until a recent tweet that smells of antisemitism attacking Rachel Kahn, homophobic remarks, we will not list them all, “she continued.

For the minister, “all this can not be described simply like this in all lightness of clumsiness. This is much more serious than a blunder and for me it is unacceptable.”

According to Ms. Abdul Malak, “today, the fight against antisemitism must have no ambiguity”. The environmentalists “got it wrong in an attempt to buzz and besides it worked,” she said. “It made a great publicity in Médine, which I regret.”

The spokesman of the government, Olivier Véranhad expressed at the end of August his indignation at the coming of Médine to the summer universities of EELV.

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