USA – ADL and Alpha Epsilon Pi announce new partnership; launch antisemitism response center (ARC) to combat antisemitism

ADL and Alpha Epsilon Pi

ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) and Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) announced today a new partnership to launch the AEPi Antisemitism Response Center (ARC).

The AEPi ARC will empower student leaders with knowledge, skills, and resources to recognize and combat antisemitism as well as provide a centralized system for reporting and tracking antisemitic incidents on campuses, and jointly develop initiatives aimed at promoting public awareness.

The formal announcement was made at AEPi’s 2023 International Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana by ADL CEO and National Director Jonathan Greenblatt and AEPi CEO Rob Derdiger.

“ADL and AEPi were both founded in 1913 in response to antisemitism that had deep impacts on the day-to-day lives of Jews,” said Jonathan Greenblatt. “This partnership unites our two historic organizations who share a vision: to confront hatred, combat antisemitism, and promote understanding across our campuses and communities.”

This announcement comes as ADL reported a rise in antisemitic incidents in the United States in 2022 and documented over 350 anti-Israel incidents on college campuses in 2021-2022.

“Our members are on the front lines of this battle on college campuses. Since AEPi exists in both the Jewish and interfraternity communities on campus, our leaders have an opportunity to educate others about antisemitism and Israel. This partnership with ADL will give AEPi Brothers around the world additional tools and training to help them track and fight antisemitism and become more effective advocates for Israel and a broader understanding of Jewish communities,” said Rob Derdiger.

The new partnership will jointly fund one full-time staff person tasked with coordinating programming and community engagement alongside AEPi and ADL regional staff. Following the launch of the ARC, ADL and AEPi will hire and train the staff person and begin engagement with AEPi chapters throughout North America.

The ARC will be operational by the beginning of the 2023-24 academic year with complete implementation by the end of 2023.

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