Australia – La Trobe University adopts IHRA definition of antisemitism

La Trobe University

Following extensive consultation and as part of La Trobe University’s commitment to eliminating all forms of discrimination, while upholding free speech and academic freedom, the University will adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism but without its eleven examples, and will adopt the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA) as guidelines. The University considers the adoption of the definitions and guidelines in this way will best support academic freedom and reasonable political debate. The University has also committed to a review of its internal processes around responding to antisemitism.

La Trobe University condemns all forms of discrimination, including racism, and we offer support to everyone who has experienced discrimination. At the same time, we uphold our obligation as a public institution to preserve free speech and academic freedom across our campus network.

Additionally, the University will explore the adoption of definitions of other forms of discrimination, including Islamophobia, as part of the development of an overarching anti-racism strategy. This is in addition to an existing range of University policies and procedures around anti-discrimination.

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