Germany – Tennis Borussia FC fans show a red card against antisemitism

Banner against antisemitism from TeBe fans 2022

The fans of relegated Tennis Borussia Berlin football club (TeBe) will boycott the first game of the 2023/24 Oberliga season against Charlottenburger Fußball Club Hertha 06 (CFC Hertha 06) on July 30, 2023, because the CFC Hertha 06 team is in the year 2023 mainly noticed by antisemitic statements.

In the last season, CFC Hertha 06 was sentenced twice for antisemitic statements by the sports court of the Berlin Football Association . The first judgment was directed against two youth players who attracted attention with antisemitic statements and threats of violence against Makkabi players and the referee in November 2022, the second against Vice President Ergün Cakir, who relativized the behavior of the youth players and himself in a television interviewexpressed antisemitic. The verdicts imposed fines and all the accused were banned for several years.

If the behavior alone is not trivial, the verdict once again clarifies the seriousness of the deeds. The reporting of the case shows that it is not just about the statements of two club members, but of the vice president, who is also a sponsor of the club, and his son. The association was given time and support from various bodies to become active against anti-Semitism. The failure to deal with anti-Semitism within the club ultimately led to a conviction in front of the sports court. The state of Berlin and the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf are currently examining the association’s eligibility for funding.

The active TeBe fans will loudly support their team outside the stadium and thus take a stand against anti-Semitism. The Tennis Borussia club is a club with attitude and actively campaigns against anti-Semitism, homophobia and xenophobia.

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