Germany – Representative survey on the prevalence of antisemitic Attitudes in the German Population

Antisemitic attitudes are more widespread among Muslims than among the rest of the population. This is the result of a study by the CDU-affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation. According to this, four percent of the population on average agree with the statement that Jews are “sneaky”. Among Muslims, approval was twelve percent.

Around a quarter (26 percent) of Muslims agree with the statement that rich Jews are “the real rulers of the world” (population average: six percent). Seven percent accept violence against Jews (population average: two percent).

HETEROGENEITY The reasons for this finding could be complex and are probably as heterogeneous as the group itself, according to the conclusion of the study. In it, she suggests further analyzes for an objective debate, taking into account socialisation, reality of life and region of origin.

Around 5,500 people aged 16 and over in Germany were interviewed for the study between the end of 2021 and spring 2022. The sample should include at least 500 people of Muslim faith.

In contrast to similar studies, the respondents were confronted with deliberately harsh statements in order to measure the “extremist core” of the population. For example, respondents were asked whether they agreed with the statement “Jews shouldn’t be surprised if they get hit”. Approval was evaluated as acceptance of antisemitic violence.

MAJORITY Overall, a large majority of the German population resolutely rejects antisemitic statements, writes study author Dominik Hirndorf, with a view to the values of the population average. At the same time, the results in the area of accepting violence meant a number of potential threats that should not be underestimated. “Every percent is one too many,” Brain Village told the epd.

Hirndorf also analyzed how other extremist attitudes, demographic factors, level of education, and party preference are related to antisemitic attitudes. His study shows that anti-Jewish statements also meet with greater approval from people with a low level of formal education, a migration background and within the AfD supporters.

Every fifth AfD sympathizer agrees with the statement that Jews are “the real rulers of the world”. According to the information, supporters of the SPD, Union and FDP are in the average population. Potential Green and Left voters are less likely than average to agree with antisemitic statements.

People with right-wing or left-wing extremist attitudes are also more likely to agree with antisemitic statements, with the study showing that the effect is greater for right-wing extremists. People who believe in conspiracies are also more likely to affirm antisemitic statements. epd

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