Romania – Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups repeatedly target Elie Wiesel national institute for studying the holocaust

The Elie Wiesel Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania is a publicly funded organization whose mission is to advance the cause of Holocaust remembrance in Romania, and to forefront public education around the issue of the specific history of the Holocaust in the country. The Institute was founded in 2005, and has been the primary Holocaust remembrance organization in Romania ever since.

In recent years the Institute has come under increasing pressure from antisemitic groups, and specifically from neo-Nazi and ultranationalist groups in Romania. These groups have repeatedly demonstrated and protested against the Institute, calling it anti-Romanian and even describing it as a “terrorist” group. Neo-Nazis have used their criticism of the Institute to further their antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial narratives.

Prominent figures within the Institute have been personally singled out by many of these groups, and have been labelled as subversive and treasonous. Additionally initiatives by the Institute, particularly those aimed at the denazification of Romanian society, have been met with vehement opposition by extremists, and have been used as rallying points by neo-Nazi groups who frame these efforts as the erasure of Romanian history.

The MEMRI DTTM has reported extensively on the targeting of the Elie Wiesel Institute by Romanian ultranationalist and neo-Nazi extremists over the last 12 months. The following compilation of MEMRI reports highlights DTTM coverage of the issue.

Pressure From Elie Wiesel Institute Leads To Name Change For Mircea Vulcănescu High School; Romanian Ultranationalists Respond By Organizing Protests At Which Institute And Alexandru Florian Are Heavily Criticized

The Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania was established in 2005 to research Romania’s role in the Holocaust. Over the years, the government-funded organization has been vocal in supporting the removal of monuments, plaques, and statues honoring Romanian Nazi collaborators and ultranationalist figures. In a controversial plan proposed in February 2023 and accepted two months later, the institute successfully convinced the Board of Directors of the Technological High School “Mircea Vulcănescu” in Bucharest to change the name of the school, as Vulcănescu, a 20th-century philosopher and politician, was a member of the Nazi-aligned Antonescu government and later convicted as a war criminal. This decision was met with public backlash due to Vulcănescu being regarded as a national hero or “martyr.” The outcry eventually culminated in a series of protests staged outside of the high school (February 15-16), at which various ultranationalist figures gave speeches in defense of Vulcănescu and attacking the Elie Wiesel Institute, some calling for its total abolishment.

The following report will cover the high school’s name change, initiated by the Elie Wiesel Institute; the subsequent backlash by “patriotic” Romanians and the events of the February demonstrations; and the resulting lawsuit filed by the institute against Dan Grăjdeanu, a prominent ultranationalist particularly vicious in his criticism of the institute and its head, Alexandru Florian.

In April 2023, the Board of Directors of the Technological High School “Mircea Vulcănescu” voted to change the school’s name to “Economic High School no. 1.” The name change was met with public outcry, as Vulcănescu is seen as a renowned intellectual by many Romanians. It was revealed that the Elie Wiesel Institute was responsible for spearheading the name change. To protest the school’s decision, Romanian ultranationalists and fascists called on their followers to mobilize and show up at the school in support of Vulcănescu.

Pro-Vulcănescu Protests Scheduled For February 15 and 16, Promoted By Far-Right Groups Via Online Channels; Bucharest Citizens Encouraged To Attend

On February 14, 2023, a Romanian fascist Telegram channel posted a statement regarding the school’s name change, which was reportedly written by Florin Dobrescu, Secretary of the “Ion Gavrila Ogoranu Foundation.” The foundation was established in 2008 “as a sign of gratitude” to Ion Gavrila Ogoranu, a member of the fascist Iron Guard. Today, the NGO works “to honor and keep alive the memory of the fighters for the freedom and dignity of the Romanian nation during the decades of repression that Romania went through in the last century.”

Dobrescu’s statement calls on Romanians to attend a demonstration in front of the school on February 16, the same day that a school council meeting would be held on the issue of the school’s name. An excerpt from the statement reads: “WE ARE ALL MIRCEA VULCĂNESCU! THE FIGHT CONTINUES AT DISTRICT 4! Dear citizens of Bucharest, those who don’t stop hating everything that this people had that was best and was exterminated in the communist prisons, continue their destructive work. It seems that they became obsessed with Mircea Vulcănescu, one of the gentlest and most humane spirits of the interwar Romanian elite […] Those who have turned the memory of the Holocaust into a source of business and a facade that covers their real activity do not stop persecuting him even today […] We invite you to come on Thursday, February 16, at 12 noon, in Sos. Vitan-Bârzești no. 11 […] Mircea Vulcănescu High School […] Come each with a portrait of Mircea Vulcănescu or a book from his vast oeuvre, bring lit candles or candles with you […] God is with us!”

On February 15, a neo-Nazi “Incorect Politic” website published an article titled “There is a third attempt to rename the ‘Mircea Vulcănescu’ high school, made at the mercy of the Elie Wiesel terrorist institute!” According to the article, the Elie Wiesel Institute had requested that the name of the high school be changed twice in the past (2017 and 2022), but was met with resistance. The article also contains Dobrescu’s above statement calling on Romanians to protest the name change on February 16.

The same day, a fascist, Christian Orthodox organization published on its Facebook page an announcement that a protest would also be held at the school on February 15 in addition to the next day.

Romanian Ultranationalists Hold Speeches At High School Vilifying Elie Wiesel Institute And Its Head, Alexandru Florian

The February 15 and 16 demonstrations were livestreamed on Facebook. In the stream, several individuals, most notably prominent ultranationalist Dan Grăjdeanu, can be seen giving speeches in front of a crowd of people holding up Romanian flags and portraits of Vulcănescu. A large banner is also being held up with a quote by Romanian fascist priest and Iron Guard legionnaire Gheorghe Calciu-Dumitreasa: “They will fight with us even dead, and we will be by your side to defend us. Even dead we will win!”

Photo from one of the demonstrations, showing the aforemtioned banner being displayed

All of the speakers at the protests gave speeches attacking the Elie Wiesel Institute; Grăjdeanu’s were primarily directed at Alexandru Florian. In his first speech on February 15, Grăjdeanu accused Florian of instilling antisemitism among ordinary Romanians. He stated: “[…] We have this communist institute, Elie Wiesel it’s called, run by some strangers of the nation, who want to […] arouse in the people feelings against the Jews, because that’s why they attack Mircea Vulcănescu […] We are trying to stop this person, Alexandru Florian is his name, his father was the head of security during the communist period in the army, so a man who […] participated in the murder of many of your grandparents […]”

Alexandru Florian, head of the Elie Wiesel Institute

The next day’s demonstration also featured a speech by Grăjdeanu as well as other prominent figures active in the Romanian ultranationalist scene. Grăjdeanu once again made several disparaging remarks about Alexandru Florian: “The Victorious Saints were killed and now, by Alexandru Florian, the son of those torturers, mud is being thrown at their memory again […] Even now the children of the Bolsheviks are coming to attack the Prison Saints […]”

Dan Grăjdeanu

Grăjdeanu then introduced a second speaker: ultranationalist Mihai Tirnoveanu. In his speech, Tirnoveanu called for the cessation of public funding to the Elie Wiesel Institute. He asserted: “[…] The Elie Wiesel Institute […] for years has been putting a lot of pressure on the teaching staff […] They are being blackmailed […] The Elie Wiesel Institute should be removed from under the authority of the government […] It is a government institution, the individuals there are paid with big money from the public budget […] This budget has the resources to pay those who attack the Romanian identity […] So I personally ask the government to remove the Elie Wiesel Institute from its authority, to stop funding the Elie Wiesel Institute and to let it operate like any other NGO […]”

Mihai Tirnoveanu (left)

Tirnoveanu then passed the microphone to another individual, identified as Pompiliu Diplan. Diplan echoed Grăjdeanu’s claims about the Elie Wiesel Institute being responsible for promoting antisemitism in Romanian society. He stated: “[…] This institute […] is part of the problem, not the solution […] Florian […] is a Bolshevik boy, has nothing to do with the supposed purpose of this institute, and should not have so much power […]” Diplan then voiced the opinion that the name change for the high school is in fact a “psychological operation” or “psy-op,” and continued: “The institute invents antisemitism in Romania. The institute creates antisemitism in Romania […]”

Pompiliu Diplan, a conspiracy theorist

The last speaker was Florin Dobrescu himself. Dobrescu referred to Florian as an “enemy of the Romanian nation” and called for him to be “held accountable” for his alleged crimes: “[…] Mr. Alexandru Florian […] must be held accountable by the state bodies […] I have drawn attention to a list of several dozen cases of abuse of office and crimes that this individual committed as director of the Elie Wiesel Institute […] Alexandru Florian is the son of the Marxist, communist Jew, [professor] Radu Florian […] We have an enemy of the Romanian nation. This is Alexandru Florian […]”

Florin Dobrescu

Romanian Antisemitic, Ultranationalist Groups And Outlets: Elie Wiesel Institute For Studying The Holocaust In Romania Is ‘Anti-Romanian’, ‘Terrorist’, ‘Communist’, Must Be Abolished

The Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania was established in 2005 to research Romania’s role in the Holocaust. Over the years, the government-funded organization has been vocal in supporting the removal of monuments, plaques, and statues honoring Romanian Nazi collaborators and ultranationalist figures. Most recently, the Institute called for the demolition of a bust of Mircea Vulcănescu, a 20th century antisemitic philosopher, politician, and war criminal, located in Bucharest’s Sfântul Ştefan Park; however, the Bucharest City Council rejected the measure. Nevertheless, Romanian ultranationalist and neo-Nazi groups and news outlets heavily criticized the Institute and called for its abolishment.

The following report highlights some of the criticism aimed at the Elie Wiesel Institute online, much of it antisemitic in nature, including accusations that it is “terrorist”, “communist”, “Bolshevik”, and “spews anti-Romanian venom.”

In December 2022, a proposal was introduced in the Bucharest City Council to remove a bust of Mircea Vulcănescu, a 20th-century antisemitic philosopher, politician, and war criminal, from a public park. The proposal was supported by the Elie Wiesel Institute. It was ultimately rejected, but Romanian ultranationalist organizations, Telegram channels, and news outlets seized the opportunity to publicly protest the removal of the bust, and to call for abolishing the Elie Wiesel Institute.

Ultranationalist, Antisemitic “Casus Belli” Telegram Channel Posts Video Of Demonstration At Vulcănescu Bust

A Telegram channel  posted on December 29, 2022 a clip from a commemoration ceremony held at the bust of Vulcănescu. According to the channel, the clip shows activists three groups, who can be seen holding up lit flares. The ceremony was reportedly interrupted by police.

According to another Romanian ultranationalist Telegram channel, the individuals involved in the activity were met with criminal charges for lighting flares at the site of the bust. To protest the charges, activists gathered at Bucharest’s Section 8 police station and held up a Romanian flag.

Ultranationalist Organization Posts Photo From Demonstration Against Bust Removal, Calls For Abolishing “Elie Wiesel Terrorist Institute”

On December 29, 2022, an ultranationalist Telegram channel posted a photo of a large crowd gathered in an outdoor area holding Romanian flags, which was reportedly taken at a protest against the demolition of Vulcănescu’s bust. The channel wrote: “Romanians with a living conscience protested in the street carrying icons and the books of Mircea Vulcănescu, while a meeting was being held inside of the Local Council of Sector 2 of the Capital [Bucharest] where the demolition of the bust of Mircea Vulcănescu was to be discussed […] The quick reaction from true civilians led the local council to make the right decision, despite the pressure and promises made by the Elie Wiesel terrorist institute. The fight with the dead of this nation can end in only one way: the Revival of Romanianism and the abolition of the Elie Wiesel Institute.”

Several days earlier, on December 23, 2022, the channel posted a graphic depicting a skeleton wearing a suit and a hat with a communist symbol speaking at a podium labeled with “The Anti-Romanian Elie Wiesel Terrorist Institute.” The graphic depicted a sandal labeled “Romanianism” being thrown the figure’s head. The channel added: “It must be remembered that the enemy never sleeps, especially during the holidays.”

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