Italy – Second survey among students on Jewish knowledge, attitudes and prejudices

The research is part of the PCTO project on antisemitism in which 84 students from three high schools in the Lazio Region, two high schools and one higher education institution joined, together with Progetto Memoria and the CDEC Foundation for the 2022-2023 school year.

Third and fourth year students, together with the referring teachers involved Progetto Memoria as external tutor (Sandra Terracina) and two departments of the CDEC Foundation (Betti Guetta, Stefano Gatti and Murilo Cambruzzi for the Anti-Semitism Observatory; Patrizia Baldi for Didactics ) to develop the project, receive training, be assisted in the analysis and reflection on stereotypes and prejudices, especially on Jews. Among the objectives of the project, the promotion of a cognitive process on the causes and dynamics of anti-Semitism, aimed at bringing out widespread behaviors and attitudes in society, in order to guide the values ​​of a democratic and inclusive community, starting from the photograph taken by the investigation by the CDEC Foundation. historical learning, sociological, psychosocial and statistical allowed the students to develop the activities entrusted to them. They were stimulated to deal with figures outside the school world and to manage dynamics between peers in the various phases of the project. The training and mentoring work was held in hybrid mode.

The students involved in the training project filled out a questionnaire (already used in the previous school year ) aimed at assessing the degree of knowledge of the Jews and the presence of prejudices and stereotypes towards them.

The questionnaire consists of 13 closed questions and was administered via Google Forms, between April and May 2023, by the students of the three institutes who participated in the second edition of the PCTO “Project on Antisemitism”.

The methodological choice was to involve first year high school and final year students in the survey to try to evaluate whether their school career (5 years long) could have an effect on knowledge of Jews and the sharing of prejudices antisemites.

A total of 673 questionnaires were completed, 481 at high school A (71.5%) and 29 at high school B (4.3%), and 163 at the higher education institution (24.2%).

73% of students are enrolled in the scientific path and 24% in the technical one, the other 3% are divided between the linguistic and the classical. 46% of students attend the first year and 54% the fifth. 45% said they belonged to the female gender and 51% to the male gender, the remaining 4% did not want to indicate it or indicated something else.

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