USA – Huntington City Council adopts IHRA definition of antisemitism

Huntington City, WV

Huntington City Council unanimously approved a resolution that adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism.

This resolution expresses support for the Jewish community following a rise in violence against Jewish citizens across the country.

The approval of this resolution will aid in the identification of antisemitic behavior, in addition to being a resource for employees of the city to combat this behavior.

The resolution was supported by the B’nai Sholom Congregation and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Mayor Steve Williams noted that our community is inclusive, welcoming and compassionate, and went on to say, “Antisemitism is on the rise. I thought these days were behind us, and it’s necessary for us to speak up and say where we stand.”

Mayor Williams immediately signed the resolution immediately upon its passage.

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