USA – Jews Against Soros coalition launched after leftists say criticizing him is ‘antisemitic’

A new group has been created for Jews who are against the extremist agenda of George Soros, a leftist who is infamous for his anti-law enforcement influence on American politics. 

Led by senior Newsweek editor Josh Hammer and Missouri attorney general candidate Will Scharf, Jews Against Soros pledges to “fight back against the common left-wing smear that opposition to Soros and his sprawling network of political organizations is antisemitic.”

“Attacking Soros for his influence on American politics, to say nothing of his nefarious agenda in Israel itself, isn’t antisemitic,” the group asserts. “It is simply a fact that Soros funds a huge proportion of the radical left in this country. And he must be stopped.” 

Hammer observed that many who criticize Soros for his political activism are commonly labeled as “antisemites,” pointing out that Elon Musk was recently attacked by left-wing media as just that. 

Soros spent $128.5 million on Democrat campaigns in the 2022 midterm elections, resulting in him being the largest political donor in America, according to Scharf. He also noted that Soros has sent $40 million to far-left prosecutors such as Alvin Bragg, Kim Gardner, Chesa Boudin and Kim Foxx, in addition to supporting pro-illegal immigration groups like La Raza, Alianza, and the NILC.

The Missouri attorney general candidate is notably a former federal prosecutor.

Scharf also claims that Soros has quietly been a key donor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which he says “seeks to delegitimize Israel in the eyes of the world.”

He additionally accused Soros’s foundations of backing coalitions that are known to be linked to Palestinian terrorists, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

“Soros’s values are not Jewish values,” Scharf concluded in a Twitter thread announcing the new initiative. “Opposing Soros’s leftism is not antisemitic, and now more than ever Jews need to stand up and fight against Soros and those who support his radical agenda.” 

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