UK – Woman rants at identifiably Jewish man about Zionists taking over Tottenham in video

London – A video appears to show a woman ranting at an identifiably Jewish man about Zionists taking over the north London area of Tottenham. 

In the video, a woman sitting outside of a restaurant can be heard saying: “Don’t want you in Tottenham, you’re not welcome. Stay in Muswell Hill. And I’m not being racist.”

She then goes on: “This is my country. We’re not Israel. You can be Zionist wherever you like in the whole wide world. I’m not anti-Jewish. I’m anti you Zionists coming in and thinking you can take over Tottenham like you did Muswell Hill, and all I’m saying is, isn’t it big enough for you?”

As the video continues, she says: “You are not welcome to come into Tottenham and freaking take it over…how many places in London do you want to take over?”

The incident occurred at approximately 14:00 on 23rd May outside of the Rose Cafe & Restaurant on Philip Lane in Tottenham, and was reported by Stamford Hill Shomrim, the Jewish volunteer neighbourhood watch patrol.

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