Germany – 79 antisemitic incidents in Schleswig-Holstein in 2022

State-wide information and documentation center for antisemitism in Schleswig-Holstein

The state-wide information and documentation center for antisemitism in Schleswig-Holstein (Lida-SH) documented 79 incidents in the past year. In 2021, 70 incidents were recorded. “Both the structure of the incidents we have documented and the assessments from our nationwide network point very clearly to an immense number of unreported antisemitic incidents,” said the head of the documentation center, Joshua Vogel.

There were no attacks in the north that resulted in serious physical injuries. “But we are seeing more and more serious attempts to harm people,” said Vogel. He spoke of a “mass anti-Semitic background noise” in the northernmost state.


According to the documentation center, incidents of antisemitic statements and insults, graffiti in public spaces and antisemitic emails were documented most frequently. “Young Jewish people in Germany are less and less interested in dealing with this issue, in playing a victim role and being pushed into it,” said Ari Inger, Vice President of the Association of Jewish Students North.

Due to the omnipresence of antisemitism, Jewish life is still far from normal, said Viktoria Ladyshenski, Managing Director of the Schleswig-Holstein Jewish Community. “The concern that one can be confronted with antisemitism anytime and anywhere is a massive concern for many Jews.” Gerhard Ulrich, the country’s commissioner for Jewish life and against antisemitism, described the fight against antisemitism as a task for society as a whole. “We must continue to sensitize and empower society to counter any form of antisemitism.”


019-2022 RELEASE

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