2022 Antisemitism report in Austria

2022 Antisemitism report in Austria

In 2022, a total of 719 incidents were reported to the Antisemitism Reporting Office of the Jewish Community Vienna (IKG), which, after an examination by the experts, were clearly antisemitic. After the record year 2021 with 965 reported antisemitic incidents, this is the second highest value recorded by the reporting office and corresponds to around two incidents per day. This emerges from the annual report by IKG President Oskar Deutsch and Secretary General Benjamin Nagele today. 

The total number of reported incidents consists of 14 assaults, 21 threats, 122 property damage, 140 mass mailings and 422 incidents of abusive behavior. In the record year 2021, 12 attacks were recorded, making 2022 the highest number of reported antisemitic attacks. According to Deutsch, the high number of attacks against children and young people and the young age of the perpetrators are alarming. Nagele referred to similar observations in Germany and the United Kingdom. 

The ebbing of the corona pandemic over the course of 2022 is one of the main reasons for the decline in mass mailings and injurious behavior. A higher number of unreported incidents must be assumed. Deutsch also pointed out that the report only provides the most immediate manifestations of antisemitism, but not an overall presentation of antisemitism. For this purpose, sociological studies would have to be used, among other things.  

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