Germany – Politically motivated crime hits new high

Politically motivated crime in 2022 - nationwide case numbers
Politically motivated crime in 2022 - nationwide case numbers

The Federal Criminal Police Office ( BKA ) recorded a total of 58,916 politically motivated crimes last year. This corresponds to an increase of more than seven percent compared to the previous year. Politically motivated crime ( PMK ) is thus at its highest level since the statistics were introduced in 2001. The number of politically motivated violent crimes also increased by four percent to 4,043 offences.

The increase is primarily a consequence of the particularly sharp increase in crimes that cannot be assigned to the classic areas of crime motivated by left-wing or right-wing politics. These offenses now account for 40.8 percent of all politically motivated crimes. A significant part of these acts is related to the protests against the corona restrictions.

After a decline in 2021, the number of right-wing crimes has increased by around seven percent. An increase of around 12 percent was also registered in the case of violent crimes. Last year, 41 percent of all recorded victims of violence were injured by right-wing perpetrators. This confirms again what a great threat posed by right-wing extremists.

Anti-Semitic crimes fell by 12.5 percent in 2022. After the peak in 2021, however, this is no reason to give the all-clear, especially since the number of violent crimes has increased again this year. The vast majority of almost 83 percent of all antisemitic acts of violence can be attributed to the right-wing phenomenon.

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