USA – Juvenile involved in vandalizing Blue Valley High School with antisemitic, racist messages pleads guilty

Wade Schemenauer
Wade Schemenauer

Johnson County DA has charged Jaden Butler (16), Nathan Murphy (16), Daniel Svilarich (17) & Wade Schemenauer (18, pictured) with burglary and criminal damage after the foursome vandalized the Blue Hill High School in Kansas City, MO with antisemitic, anti-Black graffiti

Burglary to a building is a Level 7 non-person felony.

In January Blue Valley Schools investigated an incident in which racist and antisemitic messages were spray painted around parts of Blue Valley High School and in its press box.

Three juveniles and Wade R. Schemenauer, 18, were each charged with one count of burglary and criminal damage.

Community leaders, especially those in the Jewish community, said they were filled with disgust from the incident.

Two other juveniles and Wade R. Schemenauer, 18 also charged with one count of burglary and criminal damage.

Burglary to a building is a Level 7 non-person felony and criminal damage to a property is a Level 9 non-person felony.

The juvenile will be sentenced on June 22. A parent of his is required to appear at the sentencing.

Two other juveniles and Schemenauer await their plea hearings.

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