USA – April 29th declared End Jew Hatred Day in Kentucky

April 29th is End Jew Hatred Day.

Kentucky governor, Andy Beshear joined the national call by making a proclamation for the Commonwealth.

The End Jew Hatred movement started about three years ago during a time where many social justice issues were being addressed.

Across the country, democrats and republicans have shared their commitment to making the community a safe and inclusive place. Kentucky representative Daniel Grossberg tweeted about the day and said it’s great to have bipartisan support on pushing back. He said they’ve seen a rise in antisemitism here in Kentucky.

Gerard Filitti, an activist for End Jew Hatred, said this is not a political issue, but a social issue.

“The rights of that community have largely been trampled on. So, recognizing first and foremost that this is a minority rights issue, and a civil rights issue is important to framing the dialogue. This is not about politics. It’s not about Israel. It’s not even strictly speaking about religion. It’s about the Jewish identity and the need to protect them,” Filitti said.

They’re calling for an end to Jewish hatred and are hoping to make progress for a safer society.

According to a yearly report by the Anti-Defamation League, in 2022 there were nearly 3,700 antisemitic incidents across the country. That’s the most they’ve seen since they started recording incidents in 1979.

Filitti said this rise of hate, should not be tolerated.

“Now is the time to stand together with the Jewish community in the face of the largest increase in hate crimes that we have ever seen since statistics have been kept. This is the importance of the End Jew Hatred movement, and End Jew Hatred Day. It’s a reflection of all of our willingness to come together to address these issues and say enough is enough,” Filitti said.

To learn more about the movement, you can visit the End Jew Hatred website.

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