USA – Antisemitic flyers found at homes in Marin communities

Antisemitic flyers found in San Anselmo, CA. Illustration. Photo by KMGH1-1

San Anselmo, CA – Antisemitic flyers were distributed this weekend at homes in Ross and San Anselmo.

About 10 flyers were discovered by residents of Lagunitas Road, Shady Lane and Glenwood Avenue between Friday night and Saturday morning in Ross, police Chief Raffaello Pata said.

A resident of the 100 block of Austin Avenue in San Anselmo found a bag containing two pamphlets with antisemitic language, the Central Marin Police Authority reported.

An additional bag was found in the area during the investigation, but an exact location was not specified.

Both agencies said there are no suspects.

“We are working with our residents to determine if there are any leads to follow up on this matter,” Pata said.

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