Germany – Annual report “Antisemitic incidents in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2022”

The antisemitism documentation and information center DIA.MV presented its annual report on antisemitic incidents in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for the first time. Actions below the threshold of criminal relevance are also taken into account.

The report lists 36 antisemitic incidents nationwide in the past year. These are often related to protests against the corona protection measures, the facility announced on Wednesday in Schwerin. According to DIA, antisemitic graffiti and stickers in public spaces and at places of remembrance also played a special role. “In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, everything happened except for threats and cases of extreme violence,” said DIA spokesman Ronny Rohde.

The documentation center registered two physical attacks and five targeted damage to property, which particularly affected memorial sites and a Jewish cemetery. 22 cases involved anti-Semitic propaganda offenses in public space, for example in connection with political demonstrations. In addition, six cases of direct verbal hostility have become known, for example by using the word “Jew” as an insult or devaluation.

Most of the cases pointed to right-wing extremist backgrounds of the perpetrators, DIA further announced. In 2022, there were twelve individuals affected by the incidents registered by DIA.MV. However, the number of unreported cases is probably much higher. Rohde also does not want to interpret the fact that Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has a lower number of cases compared to many other states as meaning that the problem with anti-Semitism is less in this country: “Because registration offices in other federal states have been working for longer,” says Rohde.

DIA.MV is a project of the state-wide victim counseling, support and information for those affected by right-wing violence in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania eV (LOBBI). The facility collects data on incidents based on newspaper and online research, but also partly via police statistics. But it will also recorded incidents themselves via a reporting office. Those affected, witnesses and relatives can also contact DIA online if they have experienced or observed anti-Semitism. The state government supports DIA.MV. According to earlier information, a total of 163,500 euros was planned for the years 2022 to 2024.

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