Russia – Antisemitic sermon by a senior monk

Schema-Igumen Gavriil
Schema-Igumen Gavriil

MoscowSchema-Igumen (title of a senior monk, Abbot) Gavriil, head of the Caucasian Skete of Valaam Monastery of the Moscow Patriarchy, claimed in his sermon (April 14, 2023) that “the world is controlled by the murderers of Jesus, whose seat is in London, while the US is only a tool in their hands.”

The senior monk added that “the USA is only a baton of Satan’s servants who are trying to destroy Russia.” He added that “Russia is the largest Orthodox country and therefore it is the first to be destroyed. Satan’s servants moved to London which remained the capital [of the world]. America is only subordinate to London. All the wars against Russia were directed from London.”

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