Spain – Antisemitic graffiti scrawled on Barcelona’s largest synagogue

Barcelona – Antisemitic graffiti was scrawled Monday on the façade of Barcelona’s Maimonides Synagogue, the Spanish city’s largest, with vandals leaving pro-Palestinian messages on the Jewish house of worship.

The message, in Catalan, read: “Free Palestine from the river to the sea. Solidarity with the Palestinian people” (“Palestina libre del río al mar. Solidaridad con el pueblo palestinos”).

Letters were also left nearby, accusing Israel of “genocide against the Palestinian people and apartheid,” saying it is “a murderous country that steals land and destroys innocents’ homes.” The letters accused “Catalan elites” of supporting Israel.

“Every additional case of vandalism and bloodshed as a result of this unfortunate choice will be on her hands,” Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt said in a statement.

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