USA – 2022 Jewish on campus antisemitism annual report

2022 Jewish on campus antisemitism annual report
2022 Jewish on campus antisemitism annual report

In the 2022 report, “Jewish on Campus” found that a majority of submissions received were from female and religiously Reform, identifying students. There were significant spikes in submissions and their related ideologies during certain times of the year, some of which could be plausibly explained, such as in early autumn, a rise in historical antisemitism due to the harmful statements by prominent celebrities, while others were more difficult.

Most submissions were from the United States, specifically the northeast. However, this may be more indicative of the outreach and advocacy efforts of JOC in the region rather than the geographic prevalence of antisemitism. Like in 2021, most incidents were committed by a single perpetrator, although the proportion of submissions uncertain about the number of perpetrators increased greatly.

Overall, our analysis of the submissions received in 2022 highlights the need for continued efforts to combat antisemitism and raise awareness about this issue. We hope our findings will contribute to a better understanding of the nature of antisemitism through student submission and inform our future advocacy and outreach efforts.

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