Denmark – Mapping of current Danish research into antisemitism

The Ministry of Education and Research has carried out a survey of current Danish research into antisemitism as part of the former government action plan against antisemitism (January 2022).

The aim of the mapping is to give the authorities an overview of existing knowledge in the area.

The mapping shows that research into antisemitism is primarily in the humanities disciplines. Current Danish research into antisemitism is characterized by the fact that it spans across disciplines and is often a sub-element or sub-theme in research projects. For example, antisemitism is primarily included in research that, among other things, relates to the Holocaust, discrimination or human rights.

The mapping shows that current Danish research into antisemitism is generally extremely limited. The publication volume is very low, and antisemitism is rarely the main theme of current research projects and publications. Since 2017, there have thus been approx. 119 research publications that broadly deal with antisemitism, of which approx. 19 publications narrowly focused on antisemitism. In the Danish research staff covered by the survey, there are approx. 1.7 man-years researching antisemitism narrowly defined, and 7.6 man-years broadly defined.

According to the survey’s respondents, there is a general need for more research into antisemitism, including how it develops and spreads. The respondents have highlighted two areas where research-based knowledge is particularly lacking: 1. The ‘new’ antisemitism, where antisemitism is generated from a contempt for the state of Israel, and 2. Antisemitism in online environments, especially those with conspiracy theory tendencies. Respondents also point out that Danish research into antisemitism lacks consolidation, for example in a centre, group or the like.

The mapping only deals with current Danish research into antisemitism. The Center for Documentation and Efforts against Extremism at the Ministry of Immigration and Integration sheds further light on the area and in 2023 will carry out a mapping of research into antisemitism in countries with which Denmark normally compares itself.

The mapping is based on three main components: a bibliometric study of the publications, a questionnaire survey sent to selected research institutions in Denmark and a researcher dialogue, where selected researchers have told about their experiences and perspectives.

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