USA – Attorney General Miyares asked Virginia State Police to require antisemitism training

Attorney General Miyares in Auschwitz. Photo by: Office of the Virginia Attorney General
Attorney General Miyares in Auschwitz. Photo by: Office of the Virginia Attorney General

Attorney General Jason Miyares has asked Virginia State Police to require antisemitism awareness training for new officers and current officers after visiting Israel and Poland for nine days, according to the Attorney General’s Team.

“A significant take away from our time in Israel was that to eradicate antisemitism once and for all, we have to understand the trends that have allowed it to thrive and grow throughout time, world wide,” said Attorney General Miyares. “Virginia’s newfound relationship with Israel’s Ministry Foreign Affairs experts will greatly help our Antisemitism Task Force in combating this scourge here in the Commonwealth. As attorneys general, it was beneficial for us to learn from Israeli security officials about their nation’s world-class security technology and defense capabilities. Very few nations face the amount of threats that Israel does, and yet they’re able to successfully keep their citizens safe.

The attorneys general first visited Auschwitz with the foremost Holocaust scholar in the United States, Mr. Michael Berenbaum. There they discussed the historical rise of antisemitism in the 1930s and 1940s, and particularly how it was able to thrive in progressive European cities.

Miyares, alongside attorney generals from other states, were also able to have meetings with Isaac Herzog, the President of Israel, and Ambassador Ron Dermer, the Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister. The group discussed a wide range of issues, including the reforms being made in Israel as well as the country’s national security threats.

The recommendation comes from the new Office of Attorney General Antisemitism Task Force, which was created by Attorney General Miyares in February. Miyares also encouraged local police departments across the Commonwealth to consider antisemitism awareness training.

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