USA – According to the ADL report, there was an increase in antisemitic incidents in Michigan

The state of Michigan ranks ninth in the nation for the number of antisemitic incidents in the past year, according to a new report.

The Anti-Defamation League report focuses on reports of assault, harassment and vandalism.

Michigan actually saw a noticeable decrease in reports of anti-Semitic harassment in 2022 (93 reports) compared to 2021 (104 reports). But antisemitic vandalism rose in Michigan last year, (17 in 2022 vs 8 in 2021).

Overall, antisemitic incidents in Michigan climbed from 42 in 2019 to 111 in 2022.

Nationally, the ADL reported a 36% increase in antisemitic incidents from 2021 to 2022, the highest level of antisemitic activity since ADL started keeping records in 1979.

California , New York and New Jersey recorded the greatest number of antisemitic incidents in 2022.

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