WJC issues report outlining gaps in government action against antisemitism

In October 2021, the Swedish government organized the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, Remember-ReAct to promote and advance Holocaust education, remembrance, and research worldwide. During that gathering, the respective state delegations made pledges related to the Forum themes and areas of interest.

The purpose of this report is to review, from the point of view of the Jewish communities, the extent to which those pledges have been implemented and whether they are relevant to the actual needs of the communities.

To achieve this goal, the WJC interviewed Jewish community lay leaders and professionals in various countries about how relevant they consider the pledges to the needs of their particular Jewish community.

In addition, the WJC addressed specific questions to the Jewish communities regarding their actual needs in areas such as the security of Jewish institutions, fostering Jewish life, combating antisemitism, Holocaust remembrance, and safeguarding Jewish heritage and religious freedom.

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