2022 Antisemitism report in Brazil

CONIB (Jewish Confederation of Brazil launched, in partnership with Fisesp and the Department of Community Security (DSC), published its first report on Antisemitism in Brazil.

The objective of this report is to present the state of antisemitism in Brazil based on the complaints received by the Department of Community Security (DSC) complaints channel.

In 2022, a total of 496 records were received through the Department of Community Safety’s reporting channels. However, not all are considered antisemitism and this number also includes repeated records, that is, the same complaint received more than once.

Most of the complaints were received through the channels available on the Whatsapp communication application, by e-mail and through the contact channel on the Conib website. Some complaints were received by social networks, mainly Instagram.

After analyzing and classifying all the records received and discarding repetitions, the number of 385 relevant complaints of antisemitism was reached, that is, 78% of the total, and, of these, 283 were classified in the categories previously presented:

Antisemitism understood as racism, Nazism and denial/banalization of the Holocaust, representing 73.5% of antisemitism complaints and 57% of the total received.

Of the 385 complaints considered relevant and of an antisemitic nature, 146 were of Nazism, 107 of antisemitism understood as racism and 30 of trivialization or denial of the Holocaust. 102 allegations, although of an antisemitic nature, do not fit into the focus categories of this report.

The 111 records considered irrelevant refer to repeated denunciations or not considered as antisemitism, including occurrences confirmed as an urban crime.

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