USA – San Diego County board of supervisors passes resolution denouncing antisemitism

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors
The San Diego County Board of Supervisors

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors Tuesday denounced antisemitic rhetoric and hate crimes with a resolution, citing rising antisemitic crimes in recent years.

Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and Vice Chair Terra Lawson-Remer introduced the resolution.

“Our action today reaffirms the County of San Diego’s stance that hate speech, physical violence, and antisemitic rhetoric directed at our Jewish neighbors has no place in our community,” Fletcher said. “We are a county that acknowledges the atrocities that have affected the Jewish people, recognize there are some who target this community and this resolution was created to let everyone know we will not tolerate it in our county.”

According to county data, in 2021, the Jewish community in San Diego experienced 38 recorded incidents of antisemitism, including 14 cases of vandalism, 23 incidents of harassment and one assault. On April 27, 2019, Chabad of Poway synagogue was the site of an antisemitic shooting in which one person was killed and three were injured.

In 2020 the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported a 6% increase in hate crimes from the previous year, representing the highest total in 12 years, and found that attacks against Jews or Jewish institutions made up nearly 60% of all religious-based hate crimes.

The resolution in part, says, “…the Board of Supervisors denounces the rise in antisemitic rhetoric and hate-motivated crimes and incidents that denigrate Jewish people in the County of San Diego.”

“We must confront antisemitic rhetoric and hate whenever and wherever it arises,” said Lawson-Remer. “With this vote, San Diego County embraces diversity and inclusion, combats hate, and ensures every member of our community is safe, respected and valued.”

Tuesday’s action follows a policy effort by Fletcher last year to build a temporary holocaust exhibit on county property, which is planned for later this year.

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