USA – 2022 Audit of antisemitic incidents in Wisconsin

Antisemitic acts in Wisconsin have risen by nearly 500% over the last seven years, according to an annual report by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation (MJF). 

The report showed that hate group activity increased by 83% between 2021 and 2022.

Trends in the audit include:

• Hate group activity (83% increase)

• Conspiracy theories (40% increase)

• K-12 activity (22% increase)

• College activity (225% increase)

• Vandalism (111% increase)

Between 2021 and 2022, there was a decrease in harassment/threats/assaults, social media activity, and expression.

From 2015-22, reported antisemitic incidents in Wisconsin are up a staggering 494%. The JCRC uses 2015 as a benchmark for the recent elevation in reported incidents, which closely follows reported increases of all forms of hate and bias nationwide.

The 2022 audit includes 101 reported and corroborated incidents, which reflects a 6.3% increase from 2021.

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