B’nai B’rith report: On Europe’s streets: Annual marches glorifying Nazism

Almost 80 years since the end of World War II, far-right marches are still taking place across Europe, most of which also carry antisemitic symbols and glorify Nazism.

A special study conducted by the “B’nai B’rith” organization reviews the most extreme parades that take place in Europe every year. The common denominator for all events: antisemitism, xenophobia, Holocaust denial and the adoption of Nazi and fascist symbols and ideology.

The study adds that although it is usually a march from a certain point to another, some marchers also resort to violence and vandalism along the route and sometimes there are also clashes with the local security forces. The researchers point out that one of the consequences of these marches is the construction of an “alternative memory” for the events of World War II and the spread of an extreme ideology.

According to the authors of the study, in most of these parades many antisemitic chants are heard, and some of them also include elements of Holocaust denial and neo-Nazi messages. In some cases, an attempt was made to rewrite history and create a reversal between the aggressors and the victims of the war. They also point out that these meeting points are a basis for creating activity against many groups including Jews, Gypsies, immigrants and LGBT people.

In a special chapter in the study on the legal status and the attempts to limit the parades and restrain them, the researchers point out positively some of the authorities, human rights organizations and local groups that work against the holding of the events and formulate a uniform message against the damage to democracy and against fascism.

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