French author Laurent Guyénot on Iran Tv: 9/11 was carried out by Israel, its lobby, Jewish Mossad operatives in New York, anyone who says so is labeled an antisemite

Laurent Guyenot
Laurent Guyenot

French author Laurent Guyénot said in an interview aired on Channel 4 (Iran) on January 23 and 24, 2023 that Israel, its lobby, and a network of Jewish Mossad operatives are responsible for the 9/11 attack. He said that the motive behind the attack was to reverse the bad public image of Israel in the eyes of Americans and Europeans and to cause them to have a negative opinion of Arabs so that they will follow an “imperialistic” Zionist plan to start a world war. Guyénot also said that the Israel “lobby” is a source of corruption. The interview is part of a series running on Channel 4 (Iran) four times per week in which Iranian writer and translator Arash Darya-Bandari interviews Western Holocaust deniers, antisemites, and conspiracy theorists.

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