USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Old West Side of Longview, WA

Antisemitic leaflets lay on a table in Longview. These flyers were found last week in sandwich baggies filled with rice in the Old West Side neighborhood of Longview. Hayley Day
Antisemitic leaflets lay on a table in Longview. These flyers were found last week in sandwich baggies filled with rice in the Old West Side neighborhood of Longview. Hayley Day

Old West Side, Longview, WA – ongview residents in the Old West Side report antisemitic, pro-white nationalist flyers were found in their neighborhood over the last two weeks.

Longview police spokesman Capt. Branden McNew said the department first received reports late last week, and overall four people reported finding the flyers, some near multiple homes.

McNew said the reports are from the 1400 block of 24th Avenue; the 1300 block of 23rd Avenue; and the 800, 900 and 1000 blocks of 21st Avenue.

McNew said reports were sent to the department’s detective unit, but there is no suspected crime because the flyers fall under a person’s free speech rights.

“Unless we develop new information or a victim comes forward that has been threatened, we haven’t met the elements of a crime at this point,” he said.

Longview resident John Melink said his wife found a flyer walking on 23rd Avenue Feb. 3 and he found a second flyer in his driveway. He said he later gave the flyers to Longview police.

“It’s a little shocking for this literature being disseminated in our community,” said Melink.

The flyers were found inside plastic bags with small amounts of rice inside to weight the bag.

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