British Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom on Iranian TV: The ‘Holo-Hoax’ is a hallucination

Nick Kollerstrom (Screenshot from YouTube)
Nick Kollerstrom (Screenshot from YouTube)

Téhéran – British Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom said in an interview that was aired on Channel 4 (Iran) on January 15 and 16, 2023 that it is time to put the “nightmare hallucination narrative” of the Holocaust “to bed.” He said that the aim of “this holo-hoax tale” was to crush Germany’s spirit, and that the Final Solution had been only to deport wealthy and powerful Jews to Russia because the Germans didn’t want the Jews controlling their media and their politics. He said that the gas chambers were “imaginary” and “phantasmal” and that Zyklon-B had only been used as a “normal” insecticide. In addition, he said that only around 40,000 Jews died in Auschwitz and around 200,000 in total in labor camps, and he described the “normal procedure” of being inducted to a labor camp: “You would have all your hair shaved off, you take your clothes off, your clothes get deloused, you might have some funny pajamas to wear for a bit, and later on you’d get back your clothing and bedding.”

Moreover, he claimed that Auschwitz had amenities such as a theater, an orchestra, a bakery, and a hospital. He claimed that the images of piled up corpses in concentration camps had been people who died due to water and food shortages, and that Operation Reinhard extermination camps like Treblinka had only been “transit” camps in which the Jews were given a “shower” as they passed through, adding: “Try to imagine this, loads and loads of bodies buried under the grass!” Later in the interview, Kollrstrom said that former Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn had been the “last hope of British politics” but had been falsely accused of antisemitism.

The interview was aired as part of a daily series on Channel 4 (Iran) in which Iranian writer and TV host Arash Darya-Bandari (also known as Blake Archer Williams), a graduate of UC Berkeley, interviews Western Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists.

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