Germany – Antisemitic flyers and stickers distributed in Bavaria

According to RIAS Bavaria data, in the months of December 2022 and January 2023, eleven incidents occurred in Regensburg, Munich, Passau, Erlangen and Aschenburg, during which antisemitic material referring to the “Great Reset” was distributed.

The flyer in the picture is distributed via stickers or at rallies of the Austrian media platform “AUF1“, and it reads: Soon in your country. The Great Reset. “You will have nothing and you will be happy. ‘Klaus Schwab, WEF‘ (World Economic Forum).

In the flyer also pictured Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Henry Kissinger and George Soros. Soros in particular is a widespread antisemitic enemy image and stands as a figure for “the Jews”.

The flyer also reads, “disappropriation and total control” are “goals of the globalists”. Soldiers are depicted as puppets with the words “WEF” drawn on their hands. The “globalists plan” was the “Great Teset”, the “most powerful corporations” were about a “planned economic crash, with targeted destruction of the middle class” and a “targeted expropriation of citizens. “Whose” “end goal” “was” “similar to the end goal in communism.”

The accusation that Jews are behind capitalism and communism at the same time is a well-known motive for anti-Semitism. Optically, the flyer is kept in a dystopian style with emotional images. He is an example of anti-Semitic conspiracy thinking in which a supposed small, secretive-acting elite controls the fate of the world.

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