USA – Police data shows antisemitic incidents in NYC more than doubled over last 2 years

There were over 250 antisemitic hate crimes reported to authorities in New York City last year, marking a steep rise in incidents targeting Jews over the past two years, according to police data.

The Times of Israel tallied figures for all of 2022 by collating monthly New York Police Department reports on hate crimes in the city. The police department released figures for December on Thursday, showing 11 antisemitic incidents last month, a relatively low amount.

Throughout 2022, however, the data shows that there were 263 hate crimes reported, an average of one antisemitic incident in the city every 33 hours.

The tally underlines a sharp increase in anti-Jewish incidents that mirrors nationwide trends, more than doubling the 121 antisemitic crimes reported in 2020 and rocketing past the 196 incidents reported in 2021.

In 2019, the first year the NYPD began organizing data differently on hate crimes reports, there were 242 anti-Jewish bias incidents.

According to the police’s hate crimes dashboard, which includes annual data for 2022 through September, Jews were targeted last year far more than any other group.

The incidents in the past year range from violent assault to verbal harassment, property damage, and antisemitic graffiti.

Jewish security groups have said that many attacks likely go unreported, though observers note that some of the increase in antisemitic crimes is due to different and improved reporting methods.

Overall, crime went up in New York City last year, although murders and shootings decreased.

The rise in hate crimes in New York corresponds with nationwide trends. The ADL recorded 2,717 antisemitic incidents across the country in 2021, a 34% increase from the previous year, and the highest since it began tracking in 1979.

Authorities and Jewish groups have struggled to rein in antisemitic attacks in New York City, which is home to over 1 million Jews.

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