Germany bans entry to Spanish far-right Isabel Peralta

Isabel Peralta
Isabel Peralta

In March of last year, Isabel Peralta was detained and later deported at Frankfurt airport for the contents of her suitcase: a swastika flag, neo-Nazi propaganda leaflets, objects with Nazi symbols and a copy of “Mein Kampf,” a book that Adolf Hitler wrote and that is one of the pillars of ideology.

Now, the German government banned Isabel Peralta, a Spanish far-right activist known for her antisemitic speech and considered “a danger to security and public order”, from entering for life.

According to sources close to the case, the Central European State would have revoked the freedom of movement since March of last year to the daughter of a leader of the Spanish Popular Party and Spanish Falange, however, the local press reports that the father has no relationship with Peralta, for being “too radical and who was kicked out of the house for being too close to extremist ideas,” reports the Spanish portal Tiramillas.

“The police authority considers that it is necessary to suspend the right to travel through the Schengen zone of the Spanish citizen because she could spread her fascist and antisemitic message with an even greater intensity if the litigation to shield her residence in the nation persists. Given this, it revokes part of her rights ”, refers to the European press.

The ban on “entering and residing” in German territory argues that Peralta breaks social peace with his “extremist, racist and antisemitic” attitudes.

The decision is based on a section of the community normative set that allows suspending the freedom of movement of community residents for special reasons.

In this sense, the far-right activist will not be able to cross the German borders, although if the situation changes in the future, she will be able to go to court to raise the barrier. The regulations contemplate the possibility of appealing to the section of the federal Law of Residence. And, in any case, demonstrate that “it is not a threat to security and public order in Germany.”

According to the Onda Cero portal , Peralta lived in Dusseldorf, in Western Germany, where she received a scholarship for ten months from the neo-Nazi party ‘Der III Weg’. “There she learned propaganda and combat techniques to later return to Spain and apply them.”

The country’s authorities support the departure order with the thesis that Isabel Peralta should not return to Germany “because the legal interest to protect is nothing less than the foundation of the open society, the Freiech, the basic democratic order.”

The young Falangist can stay “briefly” in German territory, provided there are compelling reasons, but if she returns to the European country in violation of the order issued, she risks a sentence of “one year’s jail or a fine.”

The activist is recognized for her anti-Semitic speech at the La Almundena Cemetery in Madrid in February 2021 when she shouted that “the Jew is the problem”, generating criticism from NGOs, in addition to the diplomatic representation of Israel and a complaint from the Prosecutor’s Office that ended archived.

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