Germany – Antisemitic flyers found in Neuss

Neuss – Antisemitic flyers were thrown into mailboxes of private households in Neuss.

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In the unwanted mail, those affected were confronted with crude conspiracy narratives regarding the corona pandemic. The fact that Jews are once again blamed as guilty of all evil is already apparent at the beginning of the flyer, whether “we really have a Corona problem” or not, rather, “a Jewish problem”.

Below is a photo collage of current and former federal politicians, all of whom are associated with Jewish symbols or rabbis. The representation is obviously supposed to give the impression that all federal politics is “controlled by Jews”, who would act in secret and direct the fate of the world. Then it is alleged that Jews were behind the (perceived as harmful) corona vaccines.

On the flyer, there is also a QR-code that leads to the website of the conspiracy ideologist and right-wing extremist Attila Hildmann, who is wanted by international arrest warrant.

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