USA – An ultra-Orthodox Jew assaulted near Crown Heights

Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY – An ultra-Orthodox Jew (Lubavitcher) making his way home from work Thursday evening, was the victim of an unprovoked attack, sending him to the hospital for his injuries.

“I had just exited the turnstile at the Utica Ave train Station, on the A train, when I saw a woman kneeling down doing something,” the 50-year-old victim told “I was actually on my way to a Sheva Brachos and was thinking my own thoughts. Then a man standing next to the woman called me over, acting threatening and demanding what I was looking at.”

The victim apologized and continued on his way home, but realized that the man and woman were following him.

“He was saying derogatory things about me,” the victim said. “It’s not a comfortable thing to hear”.

The attack took place a couple minutes later as the victim was standing at the bus stop on Utica Ave and Fulton Street, waiting for the bus to arrive.

“Suddenly, the man comes back and I asked him if he had a problem,” the victim said. “He just responded “yes” and swung at me.”

Shocked and bleeding profusely, the victim watched as his attacker calmly just walked away.

With the help of a witness, the victim was able to clean up a little before the bus arrived minutes later and he made his way home. Hatzalah was called and took him to Maimonides Medical Center where he was treated for multiple facial fractures.

“The Doctors said that since I had three separate fractures, they believe that the man was holding something in his hand when he hit me,” the victim said.

A police report was filed and the incident is under investigation.

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