USA – AAA report on anti-Jewish hate crimes and prosecutions in NYC

The Prosecution - or Lack Thereof - of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes in NYC
The Prosecution - or Lack Thereof - of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes in NYC

A new report from Americans Against Antisemitism found that a stunning majority, 94%, of anti-Jewish assaults in New York City between 2018 and 2022 specifically targeted Orthodox Jews, and that 97% of those attacks were perpetrated by other minorities.

The statistics come from the Hate Crimes Accountability Project, created to give additional data on hate crimes beyond what the NYPD and FBI collect and report and to determine if there are consequences for the perpetrators.

The project documented 194 cases of anti-Jewish assaults in NYC between April 2018 and August 2022, with the perps’ group identities documented in 99 of those assaults. According to the report’s data, 64% of the assaults were committed by black individuals, 16% by Asians (Muslim/Arab), 10% by Hispanics, and 3% by white individuals.

52% of victims were Chasidic, 42% were Orthodox (litvish), and just 4% or fewer were secular, modern Orthodox, or Reform.

Most shocking: of the 194 documented assaults, the Hate Crimes Accountability Project found just 2 cases where a perpetrator was sentenced to prison. Most faced no consequences at all.

Read the full report below.

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