USA – Whoopi Goldberg claims Holocaust ‘wasn’t originally’ about race

Evan Agostini/Invision/APWhoopi Goldberg
Evan Agostini/Invision/APWhoopi Goldberg

American actress Whoopi Goldberg has again caused controversy over her views about the Holocaust and Jewish identity.

In an interview with The Sunday Times of London, the media personality discussed the topic that got her suspended as co-host of ABC talk show “The View” for two weeks in February after saying that the Nazi genocide of six million Jews during World War II was an event that involved “two white groups of people” that “isn’t about race.”

She issued an apology at the time, but in the most recent remarks appears to have double-downed on what was said earlier this year. Goldberg said in the interview with Times columnist Janice Turner that the Holocaust “was not originally” about race, referencing the Nazi eugenics program.

“Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical. They were killing people they considered to be mentally defective. And then they made this decision.”

When challenged on this assertion by pointing out that the Nazis examined “Jewish features” such as nose size and head shape as part of their racial science that saw Jews as an inferior race, Goldberg responded: “They did that to black people too. But it doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me. You couldn’t find them.”

Goldberg said that the question of Jews being a race or not should not be defined by how the Nazis viewed Jews. It was in response to a question pointing out that the Nazis saw Jews as a race.

“Yes, but that’s the killer, isn’t it? The oppressor is telling you what you are. Why are you believing them? They’re Nazis. Why believe what they’re saying?”

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