USA – ‘If I had a gun I’d shoot you’ – Jewish man punched on NYC subway

New York, NY – A Jewish man was punched while traveling on a New York City subway last Tuesday.

The victim, F, said in an interview with Americans Against Antisemitism (AAA) founder Dov Hikind that he was on the subway when a group entered his car with speakers, and one of the men did a dance flip, landing on F’s foot. 

The suspect, described by F as an African-American man in his 20s, reportedly expressed that he thought that F was filming with his phone following the alleged attacker’s jumping on F’s foot.

F said that he refused the demand, and was immediately punched in the face. 

“There’s blood pouring out of my mouth, it’s going all over my face, it’s going all over my arms, it’s on my shirt, I’m dripping in blood and no one in the Subway is doing anything,” F recalled in the interview.

As the attacker exited the car, he reportedly said that “If I had a gun I would shoot you.”

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