USA – Antisemitic Flyers found in Redding, CA, again

Antisemitic fliers found in Grand Junction, CO. Illustration. Photo by KMGH1
Antisemitic fliers found in Grand Junction, CO. Illustration. Photo by KMGH1

Redding, CA – Antisemitic flyers have been distributed in neighborhoods throughout Redding again.

The flyers last popped up in the area about a month ago, and again a few months before that. Now, they’ve appeared again just as the local Jewish community began celebrating Hanukkah.

Temple Beth Israel Board Member Geri Copitch says the best way to deal with hate is by speaking out on social media.

Copitch also takes great joy in how alike the Jewish and their Christian neighbors are.

“I just like that we can share the commonality of bringing light into darkness, whether with a Hanukkah menorah or with our Christian neighbors with their Christmas trees,” Copitch told KRCR. “We’re really more alike than we are different.”

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