Germany – Antisemitic incidents in Berlin – January to June 2022

Antisemitic Incidents in Berlin - January to June 2022
Antisemitic Incidents in Berlin - January to June 2022

The Research and Information Center for Antisemitism Berlin (RIAS Berlin) published the evaluation “Antisemitic Incidents in Berlin – January to June 2022”.

There were more than two antisemitic incidents a day, fewer antisemitic incidents than 2021.

Antisemitism is still omnipresent in everyday life among Berlin Jews. In the first half of 2022, antisemitic incidents occurred in all Berlin districts. The vast majority of incidents were directly directed against Jewish, Israeli, or persons or institutions perceived as such.

RIAS Berlin documented 450 antisemitic incidents from January to June 2022 and thus significantly fewer than in the same period in 2021 (574 including late reports).

In the first half of 2022, the project registered nine antisemitic attacks (2021: 12): These were physical attacks, including cases of spitting on those affected.

In addition, RIAS Berlin became aware of ten cases of targeted damage to property, ten threats and 417 cases of injurious behavior.

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