Germany – Three and a half years in prison without parole for “Reich citizen”

In the trial against a “Reich citizen”, the Lüneburg district court has pronounced the verdict. The 61-year-old accused was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for sedition.

The Lüneburg Regional Court thus followed the request of the public prosecutor. An appeal can be lodged against the judgment within a week. The court saw it as proven that the 61-year-old supported the banned, antisemitic association “United German Peoples and Tribes”. Its aim is to set up its own state system. The Federal Ministry of the Interior had banned the group in March 2020. The woman is also said to have agitated against immigrants and Jews on the Internet, spread propaganda against corona vaccinations and posed as a lawyer under a false name, according to the court.

The presiding judge conceded that the sentence was high, especially since the accused had not previously been convicted and had confessed. However, the court recognized neither remorse nor insight. The chamber of the district court assesses the accused as – literally – “extremely dangerous”. It only takes a follower to put the words of the 61-year-old into action. Therefore, according to the court, one reacts with all severity in order to defend oneself against enemies of the rule of law.

At the start of the trial in early November, the defendant initially appeared combative: “For me, it’s about my children getting rights to land, not international corporations.” The Federal Republic is just a company. During the course of the hearing, she made it clear that she had peaceful intentions and that she believed her actions were legal. The 61-year-old has been in custody since May.

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