USA – Antisemitic and racist banners found hanging above Walnut Creek overpass

Maya Borgueta Twitter
Photo: Maya Borgueta Twitter

Walnut Creek, CA – Disturbing banners were displayed on a pedestrian walk in Walnut Creek raising concern for residents of the area.

“It was like a gut punch to turn a corner and see that,” said resident Maya Borgueta.

Borgueta told NBC Bay Area the banners displayed messages saying ‘It’s OK to be pro white’ and ‘White Lives Matter’.”

“They had signs in TruGene for people to look up vides that went to holocaust denial and racist videos, and it was very disturbing, she said.”

A few weeks ago, City Councilman Kevin Wilk publicly condemned the discovery of antisemitic leaflets discovered in neighborhoods on the border of Walnut Creek and Concord.

He’s equally outraged about the banners.

“Being Jewish myself, and the only councilmember who’s even been Jewish in Walnut Creek and seeing things in our backyard…how does this happen?,” Wilk said.

Walnut Creek Mayor, Matt Francois, said “this type of messaging is not welcome in Walnut Creek.” He said the city does not tolerate hate speech or messages.

“It’s absolutely a hate crime,” he said. “These are the kind of things hate crime was made for, because even freedom of speech has limitations.”

Police are investigating the case.

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