Scotland – French Holocaust denier to remain in custody in Scotland

Vincent Reynouard
Vincent Reynouard

A prominent French Holocaust denier who fled the country after being convicted under anti-Nazi laws was remanded in custody by a court in Scotland on Thursday, November 17. Vincent Reynouard, 53, will next appear in the Edinburgh Sheriff Court on December 8, ahead of a full extradition hearing in February. “You will remain in custody in the meantime,” the judge, Sheriff Norman McFadyen, told him.

Mr. Reynouard spoke through an interpreter to confirm his identity as he appeared in the court by video link from prison in the Scottish capital. During the five-minute hearing, his lawyer, Andrew Docherty, told the court his client wished to instruct another lawyer. “He has identified such an agent,” Mr. Docherty said. “I would also on his behalf ask for the matter to be postponed for further preparation.”

The Frenchman was arrested in the Scottish fishing town of Anstruther, north of Edinburgh, last week, where he had been reportedly living under a false name. He had been sought by France’s central office for combating crimes against humanity, known by its initials OCLCH.

Holocaust denial has been a criminal offence in France since 1990, and Mr. Reynouard has been convicted on numerous occasions. As a student in 1991 he was convicted for distributing revisionist literature. In 2001, he was suspended as a school maths teacher for printing and distributing Holocaust-denying pamphlets and setting homework involving counting concentration camp victims.

In 2007, while working as a chemical engineer, Mr. Reynouard was sentenced to one year in prison and fined 10,000 euros for Holocaust denial after he wrote a pamphlet claiming the death of six million Jews during World War II was “impossible”. He was handed a four-month prison sentence in France in November 2020 and a further six-month term in January 2021 in relation to a series of anti-Semitic posts on social media.

In August 2020, a memorial in the village of Oradour-sur-Glane, site of the worst Nazi atrocity in France, was defaced with slogans including the words “Reynouard is right”. He had questioned the massacre in several videos posted online.

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